Next week I will be at the Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, which I co-organized. Till Hofmann and I contributed an abstract on strategy synthesis for first-order agent programs over finite traces, which can be found here.
I am excited to attend IJCAI 2024 in Jeju, South Korea next week, where I will present the paper I co-authored with Daxin Liu on first-order progression of non-local-effect action theories.
Next week, I will participate in the Dagstuhl Seminar on Trustworthy AI.
Next week I will attend the Dagstuhl seminar on Cognitive Robotics: [Link]
I am looking forward to attending #KR2022 (as part of @FLoC2022) in Haifa, Israel, where I will present the paper I co-authored with James Delgrande on the projection of belief in the presence of nondeterministic actions and fallible sensing: [Link]
I am excited to announce that starting January, I will join the Department of People and Technology at Roskilde University in Denmark, as member of the research group “Programming, Logic and Intelligent Systems”.
I will also be attending the coming virtual #KR2021 conference. The paper I co-authored with James Delgrande on notions of extensional and intensional belief in the presence of nondeterminism and fallible sensing can be found here: [Link]
Together with Magdalena Ortiz (@magdalenaosimk), I am co-organizing the Doctoral Consortium at this year's KR conference. A program and more information can be found here:
#KR2021 @KR_conference
In the coming Spring term, I will again teach a course as sessional instructor at SFU, namely a section of CMPT 310 - Artificial Intelligence Survey: [Link]
I will participate in the virtual KR 2020 conference between Saturday, 12th September and Friday, 18th September. The paper I co-authored with James Delgrande can be found here.
In the coming spring term, I will teach my first course as sessional instructor at SFU, namely Section E100 of CMPT 120 - Introduction to Computing Science and Programming I.
The code I developed on the verification of GOLOG programs is now available on GitLab (update: as well as on GitHub).
On 1st April, I will start a new position at the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, BC, Canada. I am looking forward to working with James Delgrande.
I will be at KR 2018 between Saturday, 27th October and Friday, 2nd November.
In the coming winter semester, I will again give a lecture on Knowledge Representation and High-Level Control (in German) at FH Aachen, together with Stefan Schiffer.
Between Monday, 6th November and Wednesday, 8th November 2017 I will be at Commonsense 2017.
I will be giving two courses in the coming winter semester at FH Aachen together with Stefan Schiffer, namely a lecture on Knowledge Representation and High-Level Control and a practical lab on Scientific Writing (both in German).
I will be out of office again between Friday, 22nd September and Tuesday, 3rd October 2017 as I will be attending FroCoS. However, I will still mostly be reachable by e-mail, probably with delay.
Between Monday, 5th June and Friday, 9th June 2017 I will be at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Epistemic Planning.
I will be out of office again between Monday, 29th August and Friday, 16th September 2016 as I will be at ECAI 2016 and on vacation afterwards. I will be reachable by e-mail during that time (but maybe with some delay).
As I will be at AAAI 2016 I will be out of office between Thursday, 11th February and Friday, 19th February 2016.
However, I will be reachable by e-mail during that time.