I supervise BSc and MSc theses in Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation. Please contact me to inquire about possible topics. Below is a list of theses I previously supervised.
(Co-) Supervised Theses
Master's Thesis, Nikolaj Kjældgaard, Kata Mitzie Riegels, and Oliver Ørsted Werner. Title: Autonomous Curriculum Sequencing
(finished 06/2024, Roskilde University)
Master's Thesis, Sven Schiller. Title: Using Decision Diagrams for First-Order Regression in the Situation Calculus
(finished 11/2019, RWTH Aachen University)
Bachelor's Thesis, Ekaterina Genova. Title: A First-Order Logic of Only-Knowing-About
(finished 03/2018, RWTH Aachen University)
Master's Thesis, Denis Golovin. Title: Reasoning about Plausibility for the Winograd Schema Challenge
(finished 04/2017, RWTH Aachen University)
Bachelor's Thesis, Malte Neuss. Title: Efficient Default Reasoning in Golog with Answer Set Programming
(finished 04/2015, RWTH Aachen University)
Bachelor's Thesis, Till Hofmann. Title: Continual Planning and Execution Monitoring in the Agent Language Golog on a Mobile Robot
(finished 01/2015, RWTH Aachen University)
Bachelor's Thesis, Ruslan Habalov. Title: Implementation and Evaluation of a Golog-Based General Game Player
(finished 03/2014, RWTH Aachen University)
Diploma Thesis, Martin Liebenberg. Title: Towards Decidable Verification of Non-Terminating Golog Programs
(finished 04/2013, RWTH Aachen University)
Bachelor's Thesis, Marius Grysla. Title: Implementation and Evaluation of an ES-based Golog System
(finished 05/2010, RWTH Aachen University)
Master's Thesis, Zhu Ziquan. Title: Incorporating Domain-Dependent Knowledge into Golog - An Empirical Evaluation
(finished 05/2010, RWTH Aachen University)
Bachelor's Thesis, Bernhard Ern. Title: Implementation and Evaluation of a General Game Player
(finished 09/2009, RWTH Aachen University)
Diploma Thesis, Jihyoung Han. Title: A Declarative Semantics for a Subset of PDDL with Constraints, Preferences and Derived Predicates
(finished 02/2009, RWTH Aachen University)
Master's Thesis, Yuxiao Hu. Title: A Declarative Semantics for a Subset of PDDL with Time and Concurrency
(finished 11/2006, RWTH Aachen University)
Diploma Thesis, Dominique Ziegelmayer. Title: Decision-Theoretic Planning in the Dynamic Logic ES
(finished 07/2006, RWTH Aachen University)